Equine Testing

We offer on island testing, aiming to provide you with results within 48 hours

Faecal Egg Count aka Worm Test

Price per Sample

1 test: £15.00 each

2-5 tests: £13.50 each

+5 tests: £12.50each

Discount available for groups of more than 10 horses/donkeys

10-20: 2.5 % 

20-30: 5 % 

30-40: 7.5 % 

40-50: 10 % 

50-60: 12.5 %

+60: 15 % 


Pinworm Test

Price per sample

1 test: £7.50 each (With FEC £6.00 ea.)

2-5 tests: £7.00 each (With FEC £5.50 ea.)

+5 tests: £6.50 each (With FEC £5.00 ea.)

Discount available for groups of more than 10 horses/donkeys

10-20: 2.5 % 

20-30: 5 % 

30-40: 7.5 % 

40-50: 10 % 

50-60: 12.5 %

+60: 15 % 


What is an FEC & Why do it?

What is an FEC?

A faecal egg count (FEC) is a useful tool for monitoring roundworm and coccidia burdens 

Why do an FEC?

There are a number of good reasons to perform an FEC prior to deciding to deworm, including:

Wormer Drench Test

Price per sample

1 test: £28 each

2-5 tests: £25 each

+5 tests: £22 each

Discount available for groups of more than 10 horses/donkeys

10 - 20: 2.5 % 

20 - 30: 5 % 

30 - 40: 7.5 % 

40 - 50: 10 % 

50 - 60: 12.5 %

+60: 15 % 


What is Drench Test & Why do it?

What is a Drench Test?

A drench test is performed to understand the efficacy of a particular anthelmintic. An FEC is done on a dung sample taken on the day of worming, prior to worming, with a second FEC being done on a sample collected 14 days post-worming. 

Why do a drench test Test?

Egg Reappearance Period (ERP) Testing

Price varies depending on anthelmintic used


You will need to do 5 - 7  individual tests depending on the anthelmintic you wish to assess

What is ERP Testing & Why do it?

The ERP measures the time interval between the last effective anthelmintic treatment and the resumption of significant roundworm egg shedding. 

This test aids in developing a deworming program specifically for your herd/flock.  Weekly FEC testing is performed for 4 - 6 weeks, depending on the anthelmintic used.

Liver Fluke Faecal Test using the FLUKEFINDER® process

Price per sample

1-5 tests: £19 each 

+5 tests: £17.50 each

Discount available for groups of more than 10 horses/donkeys

10 - 20: 2.5 % 

20 - 30: 5 % 

30 - 40: 7.5 % 

40 - 50: 10 % 

50 - 60: 12.5 %

+60: 15 % 


Giardia Faecal Test using the FLUKEFINDER® process

Price per sample

1-5 tests: £19 each

+5 tests: £17.50 each

Discount available for groups of more than 10 horses/donkeys

10 - 20: 2.5 % 

20 - 30: 5 % 

30 - 40: 7.5 % 

40 - 50: 10 % 

50 - 60: 12.5 %

+60: 15 %  


Lungworm Faecal Test

Price per sample

1-5 tests: £19 each

+5 tests: £17.50 each

Discount available for groups of more than 10 horses/donkeys

10 - 20: 2.5 % 

20 - 30: 5 % 

30 - 40: 7.5 % 

40 - 50: 10 % 

50 - 60: 12.5 %

+60: 15 %  


We also offer on site testing so you can make even faster decisions should you need to


* We will always do our utmost to provide you with results within 48 hours and will inform you should this not be possible prior to collection, or under extenuating circumstances