
We offer on island testing, aiming to provide you with results within 48 hours*

Faecal Egg Count aka Worm Test

Price per sample

Single samples

1-5 tests: £16/sample 

+5 tests: £15/sample

Discount available for groups of more than 10 animals

11-20: 2.5 % 

21-30: 5 % 

31-40: 7.5 % 

41-50: 10 % 

51-60: 12.5 %

+61: 15 % 

Group samples

10 - 15 samples per a group 

£18 - £22 per group test

Discount available for groups of more than 10 group samples

11-20: 2.5 % 

21-30: 5 % 

31-40: 7.5 % 

41-50: 10 % 

51-60: 12.5 %

+61: 15 % 


What is an FEC & Why do it?

What is an FEC?

 A faecal egg count (FEC) is a useful tool for monitoring roundworm and coccidia burdens 

Why do an FEC?

There are a number of good reasons to perform an FEC prior to deciding to deworm, including:

Wormer Drench Test


What is Drench Test & Why do it?

What is a Drench Test?

A drench test is performed to understand the efficacy of a particular anthelmintic. An FEC is done on a dung sample taken on the day of worming, prior to worming, with a second FEC being done on a sample collected 7 (yellow wormers) or 14 days (white & clear wormers) post-deworming. When assessing a herd/flock, at least 10% of the population should be represented with the same animals being tested.

Why do a drench test Test?

Liver & Rumen Fluke Faecal Test using the FLUKEFINDER® process

Price per sample

Individual tests

1-5 tests: £19 each

+5 tests: £17 each

Discount available for groups of more than 10 animals

11-20: 2.5 % 

21-30: 5 % 

31-40: 7.5 % 

41-50: 10 % 

51-60: 12.5 %

+61: 15 % 

Group tests

10 - 15 samples per a group 

£32 - £34 

Discount available for groups of more than 10 group samples

11-20: 2.5 % 

21-30: 5 % 

31-40: 7.5 % 

41-50: 10 % 

51-60: 12.5 %

+61: 15 %


Lungworm Faecal Testing

Price per sample

Single samples

1-5 tests: £18 each 

+5 tests: £16 each

Discount available for groups of more than 10 animals

11-20: 2.5 % 

21-30: 5 % 

31-40: 7.5 % 

41-50: 10 % 

51-60: 12.5 %

+61: 15 % 

Group samples

10 - 15 samples per a group 

£32 - £34 

Discount available for groups of more than 10 group samples

11-20: 2.5 % 

21-30: 5 % 

31-40: 7.5 % 

41-50: 10 % 

51-60: 12.5 %

+61: 15 %


We also offer on site testing so you can make even faster decisions should you need to


* We will always do our utmost to provide you with results within 48 hours and will inform you should this not be possible prior to collection, or under extenuating circumstances

Price per sample

1-5 samples: £28/individual test

+5 samples: £25/individual test

Discount available for groups of more than 10 animals

10 - 20: 2.5 % 

20 - 30: 5 % 

30 - 40: 7.5 % 

40 - 50: 10 % 

50 - 60: 12.5 %

+60: 15 %